We also celebrated Scotch Christmas while the grandparents were here. For those of you lucky enough to know what scotch Christmas is you know how awesome it is. For the rest of you, Scotch Christmas is a holiday that Kent's Dad made up many years ago when he needed a holiday. Our family celebrates Scotch Christmas by opening gifts of argyle socks and butterscotch candies, listening to bagpipe music (once a year won't kill ya) and last year we added mini golf to the festivities.
The kids playing golf in their pj's.
Scotch Christmas breakfast and presents. What you can't see in this photo is the lovely bagpipe music that is playing.
Last Sunday, October 25th was Kent and my 7th wedding anniversary. I love ya more than ever Hubby!
While the Grandparents were here Anna and Matt came down with what I thought were colds. Matt was better by Monday, but Anna continued to have a fever, sore throat, head aches etc. I took her to the Dr. to be tested for strep on Tuesday, but he said it was most likely the swine flu. She continued to have a fever all week until Thursday night, and she really felt horrible. But after her fever quit she improved rapidly. It was pretty disappointing to miss a whole week of school including the class Halloween party and parade (I think I was more disappointed than Anna!). Matt also missed preschool this week just in case. I am so glad my girl is almost well again! Kent and I haven't been sick at all, we've been taking a lot of vitamin C, so hopefully we will stay healthy.
Matthew wasn't a big fan of touching the pumpkin guts, but he helped me decide how to carve the jack o' lantern.
Anna didn't want to carve her pumpkin, so she drew a face on him.
After Anna was feeling better one of Anna's friend's Mom and I organized a little Halloween party for some of the kids from the neighborhood. This was a game where they had to wrap their teammate up like a mummy. We had two teams, girls against boys. Anna is the pink Tinkerbell fairy on the right.
Here's the boys team. They were a little out numbered, but luckily they had spiderman Matt to lend a hand.
Pre trick or treating. This was the only good picture we got because the camera battery died right after we took the photo. The kids had a great time trick or treating this year, and made it all around the whole neighborhood! We had a ton of trick or treaters come to our house, we gave out almost 10 bags of candy!
Anna has been a busy girl this week, not only did she get the infamous swine flu, but she also got glasses. She can see just fine with one eye but the other eye is significantly weaker, so the eye Dr. prescribed glasses. I let her pick out her own frames, and I think she picked the cutest pair!
While the Grandparents were here Anna and Matt came down with what I thought were colds. Matt was better by Monday, but Anna continued to have a fever, sore throat, head aches etc. I took her to the Dr. to be tested for strep on Tuesday, but he said it was most likely the swine flu. She continued to have a fever all week until Thursday night, and she really felt horrible. But after her fever quit she improved rapidly. It was pretty disappointing to miss a whole week of school including the class Halloween party and parade (I think I was more disappointed than Anna!). Matt also missed preschool this week just in case. I am so glad my girl is almost well again! Kent and I haven't been sick at all, we've been taking a lot of vitamin C, so hopefully we will stay healthy.
Yes !!! This was a fun weekend. We were unplanned,unfettered, and uncoordinated. So we only accomplished a few things. We did get Beth off the streets after she ran 6+ miles Sat. in SLC. Thank you so much for letting us come.. We still aren't sick so hopefully the swine didn't get us.
Denny McLean
Anna, your new glasses are so cute! You made a good choice. We're so glad you're feeling better!
Looks like fun - except the swine flu!
Wow... lots of stuff going on! We haven't had the flu yet, but Jacob passed out and threw up all over at a Stake youth choir practice last night.... too much excitement for me!
She is such a cutie with her glasses, glad you were able to make it out for trick or treating, we barely made it through our cases of swine flu in time to go also, yuck. glad everyone is feeling better.
What a week you had! Anna looks so cute in her glasses and the kids halloween costumes turned out great.
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