Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Scotch Christmas

Not only was Tuesday the first day of school, it was also Scotch Christmas. We decied to have Scotch Christmas because we had an extra McLean visiting us.

I don't know what brazillian bbq has to do with Scotch Christmas, but we went to Tucano's and ate much meat.

Then we opened our scotch presents. Argyle socks, scotch tape, and a roll of scotch bubble wrap which we rolled out and danced on. Sorry, there isn't any pictoral evidence of said dancing. Just imagine 5 people wearing argyle socks jumping on bubble wrap to bagpipe music, and you've got it.
Cheers everyone!



Has anyone other than the Denny McLean's family ever heard of such a strange tradition as Scotch Christmas? It's a made-up holiday that we thoroughly enjoy! Does anyone else have traditions that are unique to your families?

lori said...

I love the bubble wrap dance idea! We have never celebrated Scotch Christmas. I was home for only the very first celebration and my family now just doesn't get it and would only mock it. Its fun to hear about your family's celebration though!!