Thursday, August 4, 2011

U2 Can Time Travel

Come with me on a journey through time and space...back to May 2011. Actually, let me break it down for you timeline style. March 2010: Kent buys Beth amazing birthday gift-U2 tickets!! yeah! April 2010: U2 postpones tour due to Bono's back problems-Boo! A year passes....May 2011 Beth shoots two weddings two weekends in a row, deals with end of school year hoopla, runs a marathon, and finally, as a reward for patience and perserverance gets to go to her first concert ever with her true love. Whew! Wow! that sounds like a great movie plotline eh?
Kent took all these photos with this phone, since I didn't take mine.
We took the train up to rice-eccles stadium, and found that we had great seats! It was a little bit cold but a beatiful evening. The stage is called "the claw" and it was pretty amazing. I won't try to describe all the cool things it could do, but if you're interested check youtube.

The opening act was "The Fray". They were really good. I was surprised that all the seats weren't filled by the time they came on.

After "The Fray" was done the stage crew started getting the stage ready for U2. We had to wait about an hour and a half! But we had fun watching everything get set up and people watching people in the crowd.

When U2 finally came on it was awesome--and LOUD! Our home teacher had suggested we take ear plugs to the concert- and I was glad we did! It was so loud you couldn't really hear the music and the words unless you had the earplugs in. I know that doesn't make sense!

The concert lived up to high expectatioins and the year long wait, and we had a great time! When it was over it was crazy trying to take the train back home. We were crammed right in the door way of the trian so that every time the door opened we would fall out! What a great night! Thanks for the birthday present Hubby, and thanks for going with me! Love you.


lori said...

How fun! I've never been to a concert.

Scott M said...

The bit about how the train was so full made me smile with irony. That is how it is out here on the subway every weekday. Its the telephone booth routine. Just try to get all of yourself inside and don't let the doors pinch your arse. I will go to lengths to avoid riding the subway during the rush hours!